Writers names list
There comes a time in every writers life where, if even for a split second, he thinks to himself, “Should I consider using a pseudonym like Max Powers or J.P. Awesome or Stephen Kingg (with two Gs)?” Most writers will ultimately stick with their given name, but others will take the leap. Should you take the leap?
I’ve been compiling a list of names for myself over the years. I decided to do it because 1) I wanted to be prepared in case I ever needed one and 2) I was bored and looking to have some fun. My names were pulled from different things that have some sort of significance in my life, such as:
- The name of a character from one of my favorite books
- My name spelled backwards
- The last names of my two favorite Cincinnati Reds from the 1990
- World Championship team
- My superhero name based on a tangible skill that I have
- The name of a character from “Scrubs, ”
- The name of my cabbage patch kid
- The name of my desk garden gnome
Here’s my list (see if you can match which is which to the list above):
If you picked a pseudonym, would it be based on something in your life or completely random? If you like completely random, you’ll love this Fake Name Generator site. From pseudonyms to vampire names to evil names and more, this site is a lot of fun and will keep you entertained when you need a break.
Also, here are a couple of important articles on why authors use pseudonyms, some legal issues around them and a list of famous pseudonyms:
Captain Hugs-A-Lot
P.S.-Create a pseudonym based on something in your life (can be meaningful, funny, etc.), explain it and post it in the comments section. I’ll select one commenter at random for a free subscription. Deadline: Thursday, September 15 at Noon EST.
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