Great books Authors
The database was able to find at least 20 books that matched my book type. I love this feature because it allows you to search a variety of character types, ranging from 16-year-olds to a rebel, even has a giraffe character type. It is perfect for readers who just having a hard time looking for that right book. It gives you way more than what both Goodreads and even Amazon can offer.
Like books that have been nominated or have won awards? Then head on over to the "Award Winners" tab where you can choose from past and current book awards and view the list of books that won the award for each year. It also gives you the current bestseller list, if you're interested in that sort of thing.
Awards & Winners
Still want that social interaction like Goodreads provides? Books and Authors provides that with "My Reading Room, " an option where you can create your own profile, create themed reading and author lists, mark which books you would like to read, and review and rate your favorite books. Isn't amazing how much you get out of a simple library card?
My Reading Room
And this is how an individual book search looks like, including detailed summary and description and source citation at the end of the page.

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