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Black/African American authors

ImgresA curious designation, but one I am proud of. It came, appropriatelt so, with no parades, no announcements, no public events, no press conference, no fanfare. It just happened, in the course of society's natural evolution, and our growth. It happened because the market made the choice, regular people made a decision, and leaders embraced.

In the midst of my new book, released June 2nd, 2014, becoming a bestseller on Apple iBooks, (several categories), Barnes & Noble (several categories) and 800CEOREAD, something else quietly emerged.

The fact that my book is now a bestseller in economics.

Not black economics, or minority economic history, or even economics within the category of African-American books or authors. Simply, economics.

The success or Operation HOPE, I am very proud of, but I didn't do that. My staff, my partners, and the more than 2M clients themselves, delivered on this promise.

The success of Global Dignity is the result of the wonder of the YGL (Forum of Young Global Leader) community, my fellow co-founders HRH Crown Prince Haakon of Norway and Professor Pekka Himanen of Finland, and the more than 50 YGL and Global Shaper and other volunteer Country Chairs spread over 55 countries.

Even the signing of a first-ever Executive Order establishing financial literacy as U.S. federal government policy by the President of the United States, President George H.W. Bush in January, 2008, while directly inspired by our work, would not have been possible without the action of the President himself.

I am proud of my first published book, Banking on the Future, on the topic of youth and family financial literacy, because it was published by the publisher of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Beacon Press.

I am proud of my second published book, Love Leadership:The New Way to Lead in a Fear-Based World (Jossey-Bass), as it established me as the only bestseller author in business and business leadership of African-American descent in some time (years).

But other than the founding of Operation HOPE itself, It is one of my proudest achievements of my career in business and life, has been this — becoming the only bestselling author in economics in America whose Black, with the publishing of my latest book, How The Poor Can Save Capitalism: Rebuilding the Path of the Middle Class.

A special thank you, to everyone who halped to make this book a great success. Now, let's go deliver The Memo to a new generation of leaders.

A very honored and appreciative…

Let's go,

Watch the 4-minute movie on How The Poor Can Save Capitalism here.

Listen to the first national interview for How The Poor Can Save Capitalism, on the Steve Harvey Morning Show here.

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