Classic American Fiction:

Classic American Fiction

Description: Having never missed an issue in more than a century, the Sewanee Review is the oldest continuously published literary quarterly in the country. Begun in 1892 at The University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee, the Review is devoted to American and British fiction, poetry, and reviews – as well as essays in criticism and reminiscence. In this venerable journal you'll find the direct literary line to Flannery O'Connor, Robert Penn Warren, Hart Crane, Anne Sexton, Harry Crews, and Fred Chappell – not to mention Andre Dubus and Cormac McCarthy, whose first stories were published in the Sewanee Review. Each issue is a brilliant seminar, an unforgettable dinner party, an all-night swap of stories and passionate stances.

Coverage: 1892-2010 (Vol. 1, No. 1 - Vol. 118, No. 4)

Moving Wall: 5 years

Moving Wall

The "moving wall" represents the time period between the last issue available in JSTOR and the most recently published issue of a journal. Moving walls are generally represented in years. In rare instances, a publisher has elected to have a "zero" moving wall, so their current issues are available in JSTOR shortly after publication.
Note: In calculating the moving wall, the current year is not counted.
For example, if the current year is 2008 and a journal has a 5 year moving wall, articles from the year 2002 are available.

Terms Related to the Moving Wall Fixed walls: Journals with no new volumes being added to the archive. Absorbed: Journals that are combined with another title. Complete: Journals that are no longer published or that have been combined with another title.

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Literature Book Review: American Science Fiction: Nine
Literature Book Review: American Science Fiction: Nine ...
(PDF Download) American Science Fiction: Nine Classic
(PDF Download) American Science Fiction: Nine Classic ...
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