African American male authors
The Journal of African American Males in Education (JAAME) encourages scholarly submissions from education researchers and practitioners which address the unique realities of African American males in education. Submissions should have clearly identified recommendations for research, theory and practice which can lead to the improved condition of African American male students, teachers, faculty, staff, administrators, and fathers in P-20 educational contexts.
Type of Articles that JAAME Publishes
Manuscripts submissions to JAAME should illustrate clear evidence of a theoretical underpinning or conceptual framework. Submissions should be written in a manner which is comprehendible and useful to both researchers and practitioners of education in community and school settings. JAAME publishes several types of scholarly articles: a)research studies, which exhibit rigorous standards of empirical investigation. This includes studies which are mixed-methods, qualitative and quantitative in nature; b) literature reviews/conceptual analysis, whereby researchers synthesize their research to illustrate gaps in current scholarly works on a given subject area, or which present a cogent and new perspective on current theory and research in a given area. This includes studies such as integrative reviews, literature meta-syntheses, meta-analyses and general literature reviews; and c) book reviews, which critically synthesize and/or analyze recent scholarly or practitioner oriented books on a given subject area. Author(s) interested in conducting a book review for submission to JAAME are advised to speak to the editor(s) in advance.
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